Jonathan Runstadler
Jon Runstadler – Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Engineering and the Division of Comparative Medicine.
I was born and raised in New England and developed fond memories of the Boston Marathon and the Patriot’s Day activities as a rite of spring. Prior to coming to MIT in the fall of 2011, I was a faculty member at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Before Alaska, my wife, Alexis, and I lived in Davis, California, where our two children, Ethan (13) and Verena (10) were born and I trained as a veterinarian (DVM) and geneticist (PhD) at the University of California, Davis. My research group at MIT is working to understand viral evolution and the threat of animal influenza viruses to human public health, aiming to develop innovative ways to understand, monitor, prevent and treat infection.
I began running regularly in 2008 while in Alaska as a way to stay active and healthy and completed the Fairbanks Equinox Marathon on my 42nd birthday in 2010. While away from New England for the last 17 years, Marathon day in Boston served as a reminder of New England and home. Last year, our family was thrilled to be able to watch the Marathon in person from mile 21 and we drove home passing near the finish line moments before the tragic events began to unfold. It is a great privilege for me and I am very excited to now run the Marathon for the first time this year with Team MIT Strong. Our team’s effort is dedicated to raising money for the Collier Memorial Fund at MIT, which honors and remembers Officer Collier by supporting scholarships, and other causes that embody the character and qualities he exhibited as a member of the MIT community.
Please help me reach my own and our team’s fundraising goals with your tax-deductible donation.

$100.00 | Anonymous |
$20.00 | Anonymous |
$20.00 | Anonymous |
$50.00 | Ms Halle Davis |
$100.00 | Ms Natalie Kuldell |
$20.00 | Marcus Curtis Parrish |
$25.00 | Mrs Nancy Whipple |
$25.00 | Mr Dennis Crafton |
$100.00 | Ms Karen Davis |
$25.00 | Mr Roger Gough |
$100.00 | Mr Joshua Clark |
$25.00 | Ms Sheila Donovan |
$50.00 | Mr Frank Koughan |
$50.00 | Mrs Mary Lou Koughan |
$50.00 | Ms Julianne Rogers |
$40.00 | Ms Shannon Hughes |
$10.00 | Justin Bandoro |
$50.00 | Ms Amy Myers |
$500.00 | Mr Paul Myers |
$25.00 | Dr Paul Myers |
$50.00 | Ms Hilda Holcombe |
$200.00 | Mrs Margot Clark |
$20.00 | Kimberly Ryan Davis |
$50.00 | Mr James Runstadler |
$50.00 | Mrs Jessica Runstadler |
$25.00 | Ms Jennifer Earls |
$20.00 | Peimin Qi |
$100.00 | Mr Richard Boone |
$100.00 | Mr Robert Gerlach |
$100.00 | Mr Albert Keck |
$50.00 | Mr Keith Kun |
$100.00 | Mr Richard Larson |
$10.00 | Ms Annie Pulaski |
$25.00 | Ms Pamela Slot |
$50.00 | Mr Charles Steele |
$50.00 | Mrs Petra Steele |
$100.00 | Ms Kim Mercer |
$50.00 | Moon Family |
$25.00 | Mrs Susan Jamiel |
$25.00 | Ms Neda Bagheri |
$100.00 | Mr Mark Bathe |
$25.00 | Ms Rita Demeo |
$10.00 | Ms Yan Feng |
$25.00 | Souparno Dr Akihiko Yamagishi Ghosh |
$20.00 | Ms Catherine Greene |
$25.00 | Ms Cathy Griseto |
$50.00 | Ms Jennifer Haupt |
$50.00 | Dr Colleen Hitchcock |
$100.00 | Prof Roger D Kamm |
$25.00 | Ms Wendy Keith-Hardy |
$50.00 | Mr Mark Lindberg |
$25.00 | Ms Kristine Marzilli |
$25.00 | Ms Miroslava Parsons |
$25.00 | Ms Wendy Puryear |
$50.00 | Alexander Sheh |
$25.00 | Mrs Roberts Steele |
$50.00 | Ms Lynn Wachtman |
$10.00 | Mr Hui Wu |
$100.00 | Professor James G Fox |
$25.00 | Ms Carolyn Madden |
$100.00 | Dr Eugene B Skolnikoff |
$50.00 | Ms Laura Kandziolka |
$200.00 | Mr Peter Runstadler |
$300.00 | Ms Priscilla Runstadler |
$50.00 | Mr Robert Marini |
$15.00 | Mr Xiang Liu |
$50.00 | Ms Kathleen L Reposa |
$15.00 | Ms Zeli Shen |
$200.00 | Dr Gerald N Wogan |
$50.00 | Ms Katherine Gillman |
$50.00 | Dr Zhongming Ge |
$50.00 | Mr Charlie Knutson |
$20.00 | Mrs Caroline Atkinson |
$20.00 | Christopher James Bandoro |
$50.00 | Ms Nichola Hill |
$100.00 | Professor Angela N. Koehler |
$50.00 | Mr Bruce Brown |
$25.00 | Ms Kimberli Demayo |
$50.00 | Mrs Rolanda Dudley-Cowans |
$20.00 | Michael Estrin |
$100.00 | Mr Sureshkumar Muthupalani |
$100.00 | Mr Mark Whary |
$50.00 | Prof Peter C Dedon |
$100.00 | Dr Ernest S B Fraenkel |
$200.00 | Prof Leona D Samson |
$200.00 | Mr Christopher A. Voigt |
$50.00 | Dr Forbes Yang |
$200.00 | Prof Linda G Griffith |
$20.00 | Maxine Jonas |
$100.00 | Mr Aran Parillo |

4 responses
2014 Marathon donation for Jonathan Runstadler/Memorial Fund
Wishing you the very best in your run. When It is such a great experience. I ran in 2000 and it was wonderful!
I hope you have great weather.
Muy best,
Hi Jon, We wish we could be
Hi Jon, We wish we could be there but we will certainly be thinking of you.
This is a wonderful thing to do and we hope you have fun.
Way to Go
Hi Jon,
Good for you, this is a wonderful cause. I won't be there physically this year, but I will certainly be running along in spirit. Have fun.
Thank you for running!
Hello Jon,
I just found out that you are running the Boston Marathon this year. Thank you very much for running for the Collier Memorial Fund at MIT. Sean was in my graduating class from high school, so it was a difficult loss on many levels. It means a lot to see so many people from the MIT community joining together in his honor and in honor of all those who were tragically affected by last year's events. Thank you for bringing the MIT spirit to the marathon this year. We'll all be cheering for you!
Jennifer Earls