Jenn Gagner

About me:

I graduated from MIT in 2007 with a BS in Materials Science & Engineering, went to RPI for my PhD, and am now back in Boston for a post-doc at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, working on drug delivery systems for cardiovascular disease. I started running seriously in 2012, and after moving to Jamaica Plain, joined the Forest Hills Runners and completed my first marathon last October. I love hiking in the White Mountains, the Adirondacks and the Rockies, and rejoined the MIT Outing Club when I moved back to Boston.

Why I’m running with MIT Strong:

I was cheering at mile 23 along the course at the Boston Marathon last year, and the energy of both the crowd and runners was amazing. As all the tragic events started to unfold, both at the finish line and over the next several days, I mourned with the BIDMC, running and MIT communities. Now, I am even more determined to press forward with the Boston Marathon, and uphold the spirit and sacrifice of Sean Collier through the Memorial Fund. I am both deeply honored and super excited to be part of the MIT Strong team, and fundraising for this outstanding cause. Thank you so much for your donation!

For more information about my goals and training progress, please visit:

More than 100%
Please be assured that if you make a donation from this page, your gift will be tied to my individual goal. You can see the above ‘source code’ at the bottom of the donation form to confirm. It will take a few days for your donation to appear on this page. If you’d prefer to mail in a check or money order, please print out the PDF below and send it in with your donation.
$25.00 Ms Victoria Labelle
$30.00 Ms Mariah Baril-Dore
$25.00 Ms Melanie Soter
$17.90 Kayla A Meduna
$50.00 Benjamin Paul Scandella
$30.00 Mr David Ziegler-Voll
$50.00 Mr Hari Acharya
$50.00 Mr John Brownell
$50.00 William and Joan Fishburn
$100.00 Robert and Barbara Woodruff
$150.00 Online Raffle Fundraiser (2)
$50.00 Irene S Tobias
$25.00 Mr Marc Almanzan
$40.00 Ms Pam Chevalier
$100.00 Ms Carolyn Haller
$50.00 Yogesh  Surendranath
$20.00 Kathryn E Stanchak
$40.00 Rob Woodruff and Sandrine Lavenus
$50.00 Paul and Valerie Soucie
$50.00 S. MIchaud
$545.00 Online Raffle Fundrais
$500.00 Mr Shantanu Sule
$100.00 Mr Craig Chevalier
$20.00 Jessie S Jeon
$20.00 Rodrigo A Zeledon
$100.00 Ayse  Asatekin
$30.00 Ms Rachael Brust
$25.00 Gireeja V Ranade
$20.00 Mr Mohammed Sardar
$30.00 Mr Esteban Carrizosa
$50.00 Jonathan S Krones
$20.00 Gina C Angelosanto
$26.20 Ms Monica Brookman
$15.00 Mr Louis Bloom
$30.00 Ms Sophie Karkov
$20.00 Dr Julie Beaudet
$26.20 Ms Maura Deedy
$25.00 Ms Angela Lett
$10.00 Ms Chelsea Dolloff
$20.00 Ms Aleta Wiley
$25.00 Ms Linda Feist
$682.61 Matthew W Fishburn
$100.00 Amy S Eastment
$100.00 Ms Alice Saunders
$500.00 Mr Vimal M Bhalodia
$25.00 Mr Daniel L. Gagner
$50.00 Jennifer E Gagner
$25.00 Mrs Joyce M. Gagner
$40.00 Mr Owen Kendall
$10.00 Mr James Michiel
$45.00 Dr Priscilla Paul
$50.00 Mr Andrew C Thomas
$200.00 Alison S Cichowlas
$50.00 Erica Harmony Peterson
$50.00 Ms Lori Soucie

2 responses

  1. You embody it


    Couldn't imagine supporting a better person to run this marathon and stand up for all that is good in this world.  You're going to do amazingly and once you get the BQ, in Boston this year, you won't even have to raise money to run Boston again… though I think it's wonderful that you're supporting the Sean Collier Memorial Fund.  Kick ass and let me know if I can help at all with training schedules or anything else!


    1. Thank you!

      Owen, you're amazing – I definitely wouldn't be here now without you & Forest Hills Runners. Thank you so much for your support!!