Kris Brewer
Running has been something I do to stay in shape, but I’ve never used it as an opportunity to compete. I always told myself that I’d rather backpack or hike 26.2 miles and you wouldn’t catch me running a marathon unless I had a really good reason… Enter the MIT Strong Team!
Sean was in the MIT Outing Club with me. The first time I met him, he was in unifrom and dropped by the MIT Climbing Wall, which I manage, to visit some mutual friends and check out the space. At first I thought someone had called the police to report a disturbance or something as the jovial atmosphere of the Wall sometimes gets a bit crankin’ with the music and all. Sean was all smiles, curiosity and excitement at another outdoor resource at the Institute.
I do have two regrets: one was when I hosted a going away party at my place for a friend of mine a few weeks before the marathon and Sean came by and I missed the opportunity to have some good times then (called away to Chicago for a last minute decision to attend a wedding), the other is missing the weekly stairs workout the night before Sean was shot due to letting myself use work as an excuse. It was a beautiful night and apparently Sean (who would do stairs workouts while in uniform 🙂 snuck everyone who made it that night onto the roof to watch the sunset from the highest vantage in Cambridge.
This is my first and last marathon and I am proud to be running it in Sean’s memory and plan to take it to the mountains that I love and know that Sean wanted to make it to someday (Denali coming soon!). Thanks for your support!

$25.00 | Lisa Mayer |
$30.00 | Philip William Kreycik |
$50.00 | Mrs Ann M. Kirwin |
$50.00 | Mr Kevin Kirwin |
$100.00 | Mr Victor Brewer |
$50.00 | Ms Lisa Gentile |
$50.00 | Adam Marcus Libert |
$50.00 | Mr Michael Maida |
$50.00 | Ms Meghan Sullivan |
$100.00 | Ms Jennifer Audeh |
$100.00 | The Hempest |
$20.00 | Ms Christie Moore |
$50.00 | Mrs Douglas S Deadrick |
$15.00 | Mr Wolfram Moebius |
$25.00 | Mr Bob Destefano |
$50.00 | John W Romanishin |
$25.00 | Mr Paul J. Hohenberger |
$50.00 | Ms Katie Rosa |
$50.00 | Mr Bret Brewer |
$25.00 | Mrs Jessica Pignataro |
$25.00 | Mrs Nikki Pignataro |
$50.00 | Mr Ryan Sullivan |
$52.40 | Ms Kimberly Vinick |
$50.00 | Mr James Walson |
$25.00 | Mr Greg Aloe |
$50.00 | Mr Ted Baker |
$100.00 | Ms Mahri Leonard-Fleckman |
$50.00 | Ms Angela Locknar |
$50.00 | Mr Hiroshi Nakazato |
$50.00 | Mr Stephen Schadt |
$150.00 | Ms Barbara Speckert |
$25.00 | Lawrence Man Kit Wong |
$54.00 | Mr Alan Lepofsky |
$12.50 | Mrs Jen Sieczkowski |
$12.50 | Mr Mark Sieczkowski |
$25.00 | Ms Hannah Somhegyi |
$25.00 | Stefanie Koperniak |
$25.00 | Ms Carol Schweigert |
$50.00 | Ms Monica Lee |
$100.00 | Ms Regina Dugan |
$50.00 | Ms Camilla Brinkman |
$20.00 | Ms Jessica Jones |
$25.00 | Amy Helfman |
$25.00 | Ms Lisa Damtoft |
$100.00 | Mr Peter Skerry |
$100.00 | Mr Kris Brewer |
$12.50 | Ms Catherine Gallivan |
$12.50 | Ms Julia Lanigan |
$25.00 | Ms Barbara Malec |
$25.00 | Ms Dana Hamlin |
$20.00 | Mr Michael A. Smith |
$100.00 | Ms Julia Frenkle |
$25.00 | Ms Joyce Light |
$50.00 | Ms Lesley S. Rock |
$40.00 | Ms Lauren Clark |
$25.00 | Mr Nick Holden |
$50.00 | Ms Ilavenil Subbiah |
$50.00 | MinWah Leung |
$25.00 | Ms Ann Marie Willer |

4 responses
Go MIT Strong
Congrats on being part of something great and can't wait to watch!
Thanks for the support Katie!
GOOD LUCK KRIS!!!! We'll be cheering for you in Cleveland Circle! Well, Tim might heckle you a little…but mostly it will be cheering!
Thanks, and if Tim didn’t
Thanks, and if Tim didn't heckle, then I'd know something was wrong 😉