Samantha Carney

While I have lived in Boston for nine years, April 15, 2013 was the first time I’d ever watched the Boston Marathon as a spectator. I was doing so from the patio of Forum when the second bomb exploded. I was very lucky to escape relatively unscathed, but my life was irrevocably changed, as so many were that day.

At the time, I was a researcher in the Office of the President at MIT. The tragic death of Officer Collier on MIT’s campus that followed on April 18th was difficult to comprehend, and played a devastating part in the unimaginable series of events that unfolded that week. My MIT colleagues were enormously supportive of me that week and in the months that followed, even as the MIT community suffered through an indescribable loss. While I’ve since moved on to a new role outside of MIT, I continue to feel part of the MIT community, and am so proud to be representing MIT Strong at the 2014 Boston Marathon.

My personal history with running is not lengthy, and many who know me will be surprised to hear I’m attempting anything over a 5k. But I’m committed to and having fun with my training, which began in late November – just in time for a snowy Boston winter! Since then I have accumulated a frightening amount of apparel with magical wicking, neon, and reflective properties, and I finally understand why people grumble over running on treadmills, preferring instead to take my runs out on to the streets of Cambridge and the banks of the Charles whenever possible.

I have three goals for this race: to run safe, to run strong, and to enjoy every step I take between now and when I cross the finish line in April. Cheering on runners is the closest I’ve come to a marathon, and I would never have considered running if not for the events that transpired last year. On April 21st I will be proud to be running towards the city that we love so much, instead of away from it, and I’m honored to do it as part of MIT Strong.

I am thrilled to be raising money for the Collier Memorial Fund as part of the MIT Strong Marathon Team. While my minimum goal is $1,000, really I’d like to raise much more for the Collier Fund. Thank you in advance for your contribution!

More than 100%
Please be assured that if you make a donation from this page, your gift will be tied to my individual goal. You can see the above ‘source code’ at the bottom of the donation form to confirm. It will take a few days for your donation to appear on this page. If you’d prefer to mail in a check or money order, please print out the PDF below and send it in with your donation.
$350.00 Ms Paige Kevan
$100.00 Mr Robert S Scalea
$25.00 Ms Kara Godwin
$25.00 Ms Joanna Doyle
$25.00 Ms Rachel Luck
$50.00 Mr Mark Robinson
$100.00 Ms Tracy Hedges-Waleko
$62.50 Ms Ginny Fuller
$62.50 Dr Yasmin Mashhoon
$50.00 Ms Elisa Carney
$20.00 Mrs Linda Horner
$25.00 Ms Jill Martin
$25.00 Ms Milly Lovelady
$100.00 Mr Mark Snickenberger
$500.00 Dr Kirk D Kolenbrander
$50.00 Ms Danyel Barnard
$50.00 Mr Glen Comiso
$25.00 Mrs Lindsay Tomberg
$25.00 Mr Ryan Tomberg
$50.00 Ms Julia Casasanto-Ferro
$50.00 Kelley-Chew Family
$20.00 Mr Peter Walton
$50.00 Mr Bruce Tomberg
$25.00 Mr Erik Tomberg
$25.00 Katherine G. O’Dair

5 responses

  1. Karr and Bruce Tomberg

    MIT Strong

    Dear Samantha,

    Good luck in the Marathon this April!

    Karr & Bruce

  2. Bridget Brosseau


    Go Sam!!!!


  3. We love you!

    We love you!


    Ryan, Lindsay and Jack

  4. Yasmin and Ginny

    Go Sam Go!

    We are so proud of you and inspired by your journey and the (seemingly) millions of miles you've been running! We will be wishing you well and cheering you on for the Marathon! Love you!

  5. Samantha,  You  have always

    Samantha,  You  have always amazed me!  In just one year of training with the determination to finsih the 2014 Boston Marahon and accomplishing that goal to the finsih line, I am eternally in awe of you.

    Love Paige