Mike Gerhardt
I am currently a graduate student in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. I graduated from MIT in 2012 with a degree in materials science and engineering and a minor in music, and I am originally from Chelmsford, MA.
Growing up in Massachusetts, I often went to watch the Boston Marathon with my family. My father started running in the marathon when I was in college. I was near the finish line with my mother, watching the runners go by, waiting for Dad, when the unthinkable happened last year. Thankfully, my family and I were unhurt. This year, my father hopes to complete the marathon he could not last year, with me at his side, if I can keep up with him!
I think every day about the sacrifice that Officer Collier made for all of us in the MIT community. He inspires me to be thankful for the opportunities I have, and to work hard and live each day to the fullest. I cannot think of a greater honor than to run in the Boston Marathon in honor of Officer Collier with the MIT Strong team.

$100.00 | Troop F Memorial Fund |
$820.00 | MSP Troop F |
$20.00 | Ms Emily Gehrels |
$25.00 | Thomas W Hay |
$30.00 | Mr Daniel Ventre |
$20.00 | Timothy R Jenks |
$20.00 | Ms Emmy Smith |
$100.00 | Mr Michael Aziz |
$30.00 | Mr Kian Kerman |
$10.00 | Ms Bina Y. Choi |
$100.00 | Mr Thomas Elliott |
$25.00 | Ms Valerie Cashin |
$20.00 | Mr Stanley Cotreau |
$50.00 | Prof Lorna J Gibson |
$50.00 | Ms Holly Peterman |
$20.00 | Michael Henry Vogel |
$100.00 | Mr Douglas A Creager |
$25.00 | Hoyin Au |
$20.00 | David Vargas |
$20.00 | Mr Brian Huskinson |
$75.00 | Ms Holly Peterman |
$50.00 | Ms Jennifer Middleton |
$30.00 | David J Newell |
$25.00 | Ms Colleen Russell |
$50.00 | Ms Devin Elliott |
$20.00 | Benson M George |
$100.00 | Michael R Harradon |
$25.00 | Mr Dale Keough |
$100.00 | Samuel F Simmons |
$100.00 | Ms Jaqueline Austermann |
$50.00 | Ms Adrian Jinich |
$15.00 | Aileen C Johnson |
$20.00 | Ms Kathryn McKain |
$25.00 | Michael Marshak |
$10.00 | Ms Karen Yu |
$55.00 | Ms Carol Sheils |
$100.00 | Alejandro C Garcia |
$26.20 | Mr Sean Marden |
$25.00 | Ms Angelita Mireles |
$250.00 | Mrs Christine K. Gerhardt |
$250.00 | Mr Wayne J. Gerhardt |
$50.00 | Ms Sarah Schlotter |
$100.00 | Mr Mark Glidden |
$50.00 | Michael R Gerhardt |
$100.00 | Mr Michael J Tarkanian |
$100.00 | Mr Thomas Elliott |
$20.00 | Mr John Gerhardt |
$15.00 | Mr David Liu |
$100.00 | Akil J Middleton |
$75.00 | Jorge L De la Garza |
$25.00 | Ms Emily Redston |
$25.00 | Mr William Bonificio |
$15.00 | Alexander T Kiefer |
$30.00 | Joy C Perkinson |
$25.00 | Amanda C Scampini |
$25.00 | Peter K Augusciak |
$40.00 | Ms Linda Caines |
$10.00 | Mr David A. Chester, III |
$50.00 | Douglas P Feigelson |
$15.00 | Mr John Grant |
$15.00 | Mrs Robin Grant |
$20.00 | Mr Robert Gustafson |
$18.00 | Zachary J Stauber |
$25.00 | Mr Edward E. Whittemore, II |
$25.00 | Thomas A Anderson |
$5.00 | Ms Marina C. Chen |
$50.00 | Ms Pamela Doucette |
$100.00 | Kyle L Fink |
$5.00 | Mr Chi-Fu Huang |
$50.00 | Ms Karen Keough-Huff |
$10.00 | Ryan R Webb |
$25.00 | Ms Cheryl Casper |
$12.50 | Ms Constance A. Gonzalez-Manick |
$12.50 | Mr Thomas E. Manick |
$10.00 | Mrs Christine K. Gerhardt |
$10.00 | Mr Wayne J. Gerhardt |
$20.00 | Ms Allicia Imada |
$100.00 | Alexandra R Manick |
$50.00 | Ms Constance Manick |
$25.00 | Christopher B Rullan |
$50.00 | Ms Devin Elliott |

2 responses
It is truly my honor…..
It is truly my honor to be finishing the marathon with you this year. Little did we know last year when we reunited at Comm & Mass Ave, the tragic events that had just occurred, and the unthinkable future that lay ahead for the City of Boston, Cambridge, the MIT community and the MIT Police Department. When I tell people we're running together, I often have people say, "Out of tragedy, good things prevail". With people like you, and the rest of the entire MIT Strong Team, Officer Collier's sacrifice will not be in vain, and his legacy will live on forever, with the Collier Medal honoring his values and character which ultimately allows "good things to prevail".
I am proud of you son, and I love you more than you can ever imagine.
Run on, Dad.
YOU DID IT!!!!!!!
I am so proud of you! After having that asthma episode at mile 22 you wouldn't quit until you finished! Now that, is MIT STRONG!
What a great time I had over the past few months training with you. What a winter it was, but having a running partner sure made those cold miserable runs enjoyable, and I looked forward to our weekly long runs.
I ran courses I had never run and had always wanted to. More importantly it gave me memories I will never forget, and will have to reminisce for years to come.
Love, Dad